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Pre-Cop Briefing for CITES Management Authorities Regarding the Verification of Legal Acquisition

Regulating the illegal timber trade: Comparison of the verification of legal acquisition under CITES with other legislation to tackle the trade in illegally harvested timber. 

By Catherine Rutherford and Jade Saunders
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There has been a paradigm shift since CITES was created, and rule of law was assumed, to the current situation where illegalities in the extraction of natural resources have been widely investigated, documented, acknowledged and quantified in a number of policy sectors outside the CITES process. In order to facilitate consistency, this briefing paper outlines the various existing requirements for the responsible trade in forest products, set out under the EUTR, Lacey Act and Australian ILPA.

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Exposé Pré-Cop À L’intention Des Organes De Gestion De La Cites Concernant La Vérification De La Légalité De L’acquisition

Réglementation du commerce illégal de bois : Comparaison en matière de vérification de la légalité d’acquisition au titre de la Cites par rapport à d’autres mesures législatives pour lutter contre le commerce de bois illégalement récolté.

By Catherine Rutherford et Jade Saunders, avec expertise juridique de Melissa Blue Sky
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Exposición Pre-Cop Para Las Autoridades Administrativas De La Cites Respecto De La Comprobación De Adquisición Legal

Reglamentación del comercio ilegal de madera: Comparando la comprobación de la adquisición legal en virtud de la Cites respecto de otras medidas legislativas para luchar contra el comercio de madera cosechada ilegalmente.

By Catherine Rutherford y Jade Saunders, con revisión experta juridica de Melissa Blue Sky