Seminar on Carbon Credits: Challenges and Perspectives for Indigenous Territories
Brasilia, Brazil
The seminar, attended by over 100 representatives, was headed by the President of FUNAI, Marcio Meira, and counted with most of FUNAI’s senior directors as well as their regional administrators for the Amazon region. Several indigenous rights organizations were present, plus representatives of GTZ, USAID, Conservation International, TNC, Instituto Socioambiental, among others. Michael Jenkins, Jacob Olander and Beto Borges attended on behalf of Forest Trends. A key outcome of the Seminar was that Marcio Meira stated publicly that FUNAI is very supportive of the Surui to develop the carbon project and wants it to be a successful model to be implemented in other indigenous territories throughout the country. He proposed to develop a working group at the National Committee for Indigenous Policy (Comissão Nacional de Política Indigenista) to discuss the development of carbon projects within indigenous lands.
Apresentação das conclusões do estudo jurídico sobre eligibilidade dos Surui e outros povos indígenas para desenvolverem crédito de carbono em seus territórios
Rodrigo Sales e Viviane O. Kwon, Baker & McKenzie
Apresentação do Projeto Carbono Surui
Almir Surui, Chefe do Povo Surui
Com apoio de Beto Borges, Forest Trends e Vasco van Roosmalen, ACT
Apresentação do Projeto REDD Juma e quais lições podem ser replicadas em comunidades indígenas
Mariano Cenamo, IDESAM
Apresentação sobre o mercado de carbono, situação atual e perspectivas futuras
Jacob Olander, Forest Trends