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Communities Forests

Payments from Liberia’s Industrial Forestry Sector to the National Benefits Sharing Trust

By Arthur Blundell

Liberia’s legal framework requires that the communities most affected by industrial logging should also share in the benefits. Accordingly, the Government of Liberia (GoL) collects land-rental fees from industrial logging operations with the intent to redistribute some to these communities. This report finds that the GoL owes nearly US$25 million to communities impacted by industrial […]

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Guía Metodológica para el Monitoreo de Técnicas de Siembra y Cosecha de Agua

- amunas, qochas y zanjas de infiltración


La Guía responde a la necesidad urgente de generar conocimientos y capacidades locales para abordar los desafíos que representan la crisis climática y la inseguridad hídrica. Este documento es una herramienta esencial para profesionales, personal técnico, entidades implementadoras, tomadoras y tomadores de decisión que guardan un compromiso con la gestión sostenible del agua en la[…]

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Agriculture Biodiversity Climate Communities Forests Investments Water

Forest Trends Impact Report 2024

A Rainbow of Solutions

Next year, we’re celebrating the 25th anniversary of Forest Trends. We find ourselves reflecting on the journey we’ve been on. In some ways, we’ve made amazing progress, and in other respects, not nearly enough. We are still living in an economic system that puts us on a dead-end path — extracting natural resources like there’s […]

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Communities Investments Water

Perú apuesta por la infraestructura natural para la gestión del riesgo de desastres

Infografía de Proyectos ANIN - IN para GRD

El Estado Peruano, a través de la Autoridad Nacional de Infraestructura (ANIN), gestiona la cartera más grande en la historia de proyectos de infraestructura natural (IN) para la gestión del riesgo de desastres (GRD) en América Latina. La ANIN presenta un portafolio de proyectos de IN para 17 cuencas expuestas al Fenómeno el Niño. Cuenta[…]

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Communities Investments Water

Recuperando las reservas hídricas de Lima: Caso Milloc

Infografía del proyecto Merese Milloc

Entre el año 2021 – 2022, la empresa de agua SEDAPAL ejecutó un proyecto para la recuperación del bofedal Milloc, de la mano con la comunidad campesina de Carampoma, en el marco de sus MERESE, el cual contó con la asistencia técnica-financiera del proyecto NIWS. Infografía presenta el proceso, avances, resultados y conclusiones del proyecto[…]

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Communities Water

Retribuir para Conservar

Alianzas Innovadoras para la Conservación de los Ecosistemas Hídricos en Perú - El caso de la Reserva Nacional de Salinas y Aguada Blanca y el MERESE de Arequipa

La Reserva Nacional de Salinas y Aguada Blanca (RNSAB) es una de las 77 Áreas Naturales Protegidas del Perú, y ocupa prácticamente un tercio de la cuenca Quilca – Chili (26%). La RNSAB forma parte del Sistema Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado (SINANPE), fue creada en el año 1979 inicialmente para la[…]

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Biodiversity Climate Investments Water

State of the Blue Carbon Market

An Ocean of Potential

By Tundi Agardy

Many countries have already catalyzed major action toward carbon emissions reductions through reducing deforestation, forest degradation, conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks (REDD+). The opportunities for ocean and coastal ecosystems to complement these mitigation efforts are many and are aided by the extensive experience gained through forest carbon initiatives. However, […]

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Biodiversity Climate Communities Forests Investments

Pathways to value

Achieving a breakthrough for international climate finance for tropical forest conservation

By Rupert Edwards

Reversing the global trend of tropical forest loss remains the largest barrier for natural climate solutions contributing to climate goals at their fullest potential. This paper looks at past challenges to scaling finance to end tropical deforestation and restore degraded forests. We then consider a set of core “pathways to value” for REDD+. Within these […]

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Agriculture Climate Forests

Does the EU Deforestation Regulation Comply with WTO requirements?

By Duncan Brack

In recent years, global concern over deforestation has intensified, alongside heightened recognition of the role consumer countries play in this loss through the demand for “forest-risk commodities” like beef, soy, palm oil, and timber. In response, many nations, particularly in Europe, North America, and Asia, are adopting regulatory frameworks to sever the link between their […]

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Agriculture Forests

Illegal Deforestation and Agricultural Commodities: Uganda

By Forest Policy, Trade, and Finance Initiative

Agricultural conversion is the main driver of forest loss in Uganda. The majority of Uganda’s forest-risk agricultural products are sold and consumed domestically (particularly cassava, beef, maize, and groundnuts). Shifting agriculture is responsible for 94 percent of Uganda’s forest loss, with a further two percent linked to commercial agriculture and mining. While there are good […]