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Forests Investments

Amendment to the U.S. Lacey Act

Implications for Exporters of Thailand's Forest Products

By R. Juge Gregg
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A new law gives the U.S. government the power to fine – and even jail – individuals and companies who deal in illegally harvested or trafficked wood products. The U.S. government can even use this law, called the Lacey Act, to impose significant penalties on individuals and companies who do not realize that their wood is tainted. This law, and the new import declaration it requires, will affect manufacturers and exporters who ship a variety of products made from wood to the United States, including paper, furniture, lumber, flooring, plywood or even picture frames.

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[Thai Version] Amendment to the U.S. Lacey Act

Implications for Exporters of Thailand's Forest Products

By R. Juge Gregg