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2nd International Conference on Ecosystem Conservation and Sustainable Development

University of Kerala, Kerala, India

Environmental degradation, particularly climate change, is augmenting the impact of natural disasters, thus seriously affecting food security ensured through the sustainable production of agricultural crops, livestock and fisheries. Sustainable development is a certain compromise among environmental, economic, and social goals of community, allowing for wellbeing for the present and future generations. Designing appropriate policies and strategies that lead to conservation of natural ecosystems and biological diversity and ecologically sustainable development in the era of climate change is not an option but a necessity. ECOCASD 2013 will be a rendezvous of those researchers and academicians working on cutting edge areas of ecosystem management and sustainable development and is a platform to share innovative ideas on ecosystem conservation, climate change adaptation and mitigation and sustainable development. 

The major objectives of the seminar are:

(i) to assess the current status of the impact of climate change in various sectors such as environment, economy and the society;

(ii) to generate new climate change adaptation knowledge, promoting understanding and providing guidance relevant to the development and implementation of national and regional climate change adaptation policy, plans and processes focused on reducing vulnerability and strengthening the resilience of the local communities;

(iii) to document the current practices involved in combating climate change in international and national levels;

(iv) to realise the adaptation and mitigation options available at grass roots to deal with climate change;

(v) to suggest measures to mainstream climate change issues in policies and programmes related to sustainable development;

(vi) to address the issue of food security in the context of climate change and to suggest measures to address the issue; and

(vii) to suggest research and development measures for the restoration of ecosystems.

The focal theme selected for the Conference is “Climate Change, Aquatic Ecosystems and Food Security”, which focuses on the implications on climate change in aquatic ecosystems and the implications of the same in aquaculture, fisheries and food security. This conference will discuss the strategies for ecosystem conservation in the context of climate change and will forward recommendations towards sustainable management of the resources so that the health of the natural capital is maintained for the future generations.

 Learn more and register here.